It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. The sun streamed through the windows and lighted on the keyboard. “Free Write Friday”, a time when I and my 6th grade classmates could write whatever we wanted, was here again. I sat down at the computer station closest to the windows and began to type, all around me the sound of keys clattered. Engrossed in the moment, and basking in the warmth of the sun, my soul took flight as the words spilled onto the screen.

A lot of time has passed since then, but I continue to find delight and comfort in expressing myself through words. In fact, my home is filled with words. Words from published authors and journal pages filled by me—both giving voice through ink and paper.

Funnily enough, though my story with words goes way back, and despite the fact I was chosen to be the motivational speaker at my 12th grade graduation, my working life has primarily played out in the education arena. I also certainly never “planned” that writing on a public platform would be a path I would walk. Looking back, however, I can see the trail of bread crumbs leading to it and, in 2018, God invited me to make my words and writing public.

At first I resisted. You see, up until that point, I had really only shared my writing with good friends and family and I was quite content with that. But the Lord lovingly and patiently persisted. I’m grateful that he did because eventually I said yes and it was then (and only then!) that, over time, he began to show me what he meant by the call to write.

The clarity he provided was around the type of writing to offer. He also gave me ideas around how I could show up as the kind of public writer I wanted to be, along with insight about who to write for—my generation. Those a decade younger, a decade older, and right in-between. Those who grew up in the church and had all the “information” but found themselves wanting more. Way more. Those who wanted to truly experience God as real in their real lives.

And so with more vision in place, Honey Salted Words, an online home for my writing, was launched.

So that’s the story of how this platform was born, but what other things might you want to know about me? Well, other than being a teacher-turned-writer, I am a dearly loved daughter of God. This is my core identity, the essential “me”. I start with this because, on an “About Page” like this, I find it grounding to elevate to the top the truest, most lasting thing about me.

That said, I still have and celebrate additional identities as they have been the pathways God has used, and continues to use, to draw me to him (Acts 17:26-27). Here are some of those pathways:

  • I’m a proud Nigerian-Canadian who grew up on the wide-open plains and canola fields of Alberta, Canada

  • After grad school, I moved to the US where I have lived for about a third of my life

  • I’m a MILLENNIAL of a mid-1980’s vintage

  • I’m an avid tea drinker (Don’t believe me? Look at all the pics below featuring a mug)

  • I’m easily captured by the beauty of the world, so I love to amble and stroll rather than power walk

  • I love the spiritual practices of solitude, retreat, silence, simplicity, prayer, worship, etc. because I have experienced first-hand how God has deeply met me in them #eyewitness

  • I’m a friend; sister; daughter; the youngest in my family, and affectionally called, ‘Mama K’ by a small army of nieces and nephews

  • I’m an INFJ on Myers-Briggs and a 4w3 on the enneagram although, in general, I resist being put in a box AT ALL COSTS

  • I love personality tests except when I don’t (see above point)

  • I have perfectionist tendencies that God is kindly transforming #hallelujah

  • I’m equal parts playful and contemplative, so basically an outgoing introvert

  • I am a creative, kingdom-minded entrepreneur. Curious? Learn more here

  • If I was in a “Where’s Waldo?” book and you wanted to find me, here’s where I’d bein a bookstore, with my family or good friends, at a coffee shop, in a garden, at a museum, on a retreat, watching live theater, at home with a book, or exploring somewhere new

  • Fun Fact: I’m the same height as Queen Victoria was—just saying

Yep, that’s me.

Hiiii! 🙋🏾‍♀️

My Story With Words